Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques are used for the treatment of various physical as well as psychological problems, as deep muscle relaxation are often associated with a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and slower and more breathing. Asthma, headaches, hypertension, acute and chronic pain, postpartum stress, postoperative stress and the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer, are some of the physical problems that can be greatly enhanced through deep-muscle relaxation.  Psychological problems that will definitely benefit from relaxation are anxiety disorders, depression, sleeping problems, nightmares, post-traumatic stress disorder and temper tantrums.relaxation techniques christel maritz @ R140

Progressive relaxation and body scanning are techniques that could be used by anybody interested in enhancing their overall well being.  Medical practitioners and therapist, to help patients teach themselves deep muscle relaxation at home, can also use it.

This relaxation technique CD is now available for R150 postage included.

Alternatively the CD can be purchase directly from Christel Maritz’ office in Somerset West for R100.  To order please send an email to Christel Maritz.

A workout to reduce tension





Relaxation techniques

At last you do not have to struggle any more in your practise with teaching patients relaxation techniques.

Relaxation techniques

The Relaxation CD can help you with this challenging task.  Clients now can take it home and practise the relaxation techniques in their own environment. Relaxation techniques are used for the treatment of various physical as well as psychological problems. Deep muscle relaxation are often associated with slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and slower and more even breathing.  Asthma, headaches, hypertension, acute and chronic pain, postpartum stress, post-operative stress and the side effects of chemotherapy are some of the physical problems that can be greatly benefited through deep-muscle relaxation.

Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation Techniques

A meta-analysis published in BMC Psychiatry (June, 2008) confirms that relaxation, in particular Jacobson’s progressive relaxation, autogenic training, applied relaxation and meditation – is consistently effective in reducing anxiety.  Depression, sleeping disorders, nightmares and post-traumatic stress disorder are psychological disorders that definitely benefit from relaxation training. The cd is currently also used with great effectiveness as part of the treatment programme of addictions.

Stress-management training in corporate environments

The cd can also be used as part of Stress-management training in corporate environments.  Relaxation training can be used by any therapist involved in the psychological treatment of patients and should be monitored by a qualified therapist/counsellor to be efficient.

The CD comprises both Progressive relaxation based on Jacobson’s method as well as Auto suggestive relaxation.  Complete instructions available in the cover. Also available in Afrikaans.

To order: Phone:  021-8529397 or email your details to


Mentally and emotionally healthy

Emotional Improvement | Being mentally and emotionally healthy does not preclude the experiences of life which we cannot control. As humans we are going to face emotions and events that are a part of life. According to Smith and Segal, “People who are emotionally and mentally healthy have the tools for coping with difficult situations and maintaining a positive outlook in which they also remain focused, flexible, and creative in bad times as well as good”(2011). In addition unemployment has been shown to have a negative impact on an individual’s emotional well-being, self-esteem and more broadly their mental health. Increasing unemployment has been show to have a significant impact on mental health, predominantly depressive disorders. This is an important consideration when reviewing the triggers for mental health disorders in any population survey. In order to improve your emotional mental health, the root of the issue has to be resolved.

“Prevention emphasizes the avoidance of risk factors; promotion aims to enhance an individual’s ability to achieve a positive sense of self-esteem, mastery, well-being, and social inclusion” (Power, 2010).


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