Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques are used for the treatment of various physical as well as psychological problems, as deep muscle relaxation are often associated with a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and slower and more breathing. Asthma, headaches, hypertension, acute and chronic pain, postpartum stress, postoperative stress and the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer, are some of the physical problems that can be greatly enhanced through deep-muscle relaxation.  Psychological problems that will definitely benefit from relaxation are anxiety disorders, depression, sleeping problems, nightmares, post-traumatic stress disorder and temper tantrums.relaxation techniques christel maritz @ R140

Progressive relaxation and body scanning are techniques that could be used by anybody interested in enhancing their overall well being.  Medical practitioners and therapist, to help patients teach themselves deep muscle relaxation at home, can also use it.

This relaxation technique CD is now available for R150 postage included.

Alternatively the CD can be purchase directly from Christel Maritz’ office in Somerset West for R100.  To order please send an email to Christel Maritz.

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