Damaged children – Family breakdowns

Damaged children – Family breakdowns

Damaged children – Children are suffering an epidemic of mental health problems due to family breakdown, body image worries and too many school tests, a report warns today. Under far greater pressure than youngsters a generation ago, they are increasingly falling victim to depression, anxiety, eating disorders and severe anti-social behaviour, it claims. The report, based on an inquiry by the Children’s Society, reveals 10 per cent of boys aged 11 to 15 and 13 per cent of girls have mental health problems  –  a some of 300,000 damaged children in total.


300,000 damage children are suffering from mental health problems (picture posed by model) Official estimates suggest more than a million youngsters between five and 16 have a ‘clinically recognisable’ mental disorder.  Today’s report  –  compiled from the evidence of hundreds of parents, children and experts  –  paints a worrying picture of a generation forced to grow up too quickly, with mental health problems ‘on the increase’. Causes of mental health problems include poor family relationships, rampant marketing leading to pressure to look attractive, binge-drinking and over-testing at school, the report says.

It also singles out poor parenting, either by a lack of affection or the failure to show authority and set boundaries.

Source – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1016642/Damaged-children-Family-breakdowns-tests-toll-mental-health.html



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